Andrew DOC Session Center
(817) 871-6585
Financial Help Provided: Appliance Repair, Appliances, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Fans, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, Information and Referral, Local Transit Passes, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Plumbing Maintenance/Repair, Rent P
Full Description:
Services are provided at 8 offices located in the City of Fort Worth and 2 offices serving other cities in Tarrant County. Available programs are (all programs contingent upon available funds):
* FIT (Families in Transition)Program is designed to help families overcome barriers and ultimately become financially independent. Applicants must be below 125% of Federal Income Guidelines and desire to make positive change in their lives.
* Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) provides financial assistance with utility bills (electric, gas, and heating fuel assistance to households at designated income guidelines.) Will also repair or replace an existing air conditioner, heater, central air and/or heat unit, propane tank, hot water heater and/or refrigerator if household and existing appliances meet CEAP guidelines.
* Rent/mortgage assistance will provide help with rent and mortgage for City of Fort Worth only. Income must be at or below 175% of Federal Income Guidelines. Must have experienced a of the following occur within the last 180 days:
1. Loss of income of household member through no fault of their own (call for definitions),
2. Medical emergency expense,
Must provide documentation of eviction notice or past due mortgage and crisis. Must demonstrate ability to pay basic living expenses. Amount of assistance will not exceed the amount of the crisis.
* Water Utility/Plumbing Assistance: will assist with past due water bills and pressurized water leak repair for households that pay for water from the Fort Worth Water Department. Income eligibility is 175% - 200% of Federal Income Guidelines depending on funding source.
* Atmos Energy "Share the Warmth" provides assistance to Atmos Energy customers at or below 200% of Federal Income Guidelines or with extenuating circumstances. Assistance is limited to once per year.
* TXU energy Aid provides assistance to TXU customers at or below 200% of Federal Income Guidelines or with extenuating circumstances. Assistance is limited to once per year.
* Minor home weatherization for Atmos Energy and Oncor service area customers.
* Bus passes available (must meet guidelines)for medical/social service agency appointments, job search, and transportation to job for limited time.
* Cowboy Santas toys for children ages 0-12 and Silver Stars gifts for seniors through holiday assistance programs. Income must be at or below 150% of FPIG.
* Summer Food Service Program during the summer when school is not in session and the After School Snack Program at Fort Worth Community Centers.
For electric, gas, water, heating fuel, minor weatherization and appliance repair/replacement assistance call the appointment line at 817-392-5790; for all other services call 2-1-1 or any CAP office for a referral to the appropriate local CAP office based on zip code area
Do you have more to add or need listing updated? Let us know.