DHHR Foster - Boone County Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Foster DHS
Website: https://dhhr.wv.gov/pages/Office-Results.aspx?County=Boone
(304) 369-7802
Financial Help Provided: Food Stamp Office, Welfare Office, TANF Office, Food Assistance Office, General Cash Assistance Office, General Assistance Office
Full Description:
Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:30am - 5pm.
The WV Department of Health and Human Resources (WV DHHR) comprises the central offices of Client Services; Family Support; and Social Services and the following county offices where clients may seek assistance. This local office provides family assistance by administering the following programs:
Emergency Assistance
The Emergency Assistance Program is used to assist individuals and families in meeting a financial crises when they are without available resources. The program is designed to provide short-term emergency financial assistance.
Burial Assistance
The burial assistance program assists with payment up to $1250 toward the cost of funeral expenses for an indigent adult or child. The program benefits are determined by the burial rate and, when applicable.
Electronic Benefit Transfer
EBT local office that provides Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Progream (SNAP Food Stamps), WV WORKS, Diversionary Cash Assistance and the Child Support Incentive benefits by use of a card to access a benefit account. This method of benefit receipt replaces Food Stamp coupons.
Medicaid provides medical care in the community or in an institutional setting, such as a nursing home, to individuals who otherwise may not be able to afford the care. A variety of services are provided, according to state and federal guidelines, depending upon the individual or family circumstances.
Utility Assistance
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) assists eligible households with the cost of home heating through direct cash payments or payments to utility companies on their behalf. A crisis component is available for households without resources.
West Virginia provides an online application and online screening tool. The website URL is: https://www.wvinroads.org/inroads/PGM/ASP/SC001.asp.

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