Catholic Charities Evansville
(812) 423-5456
Financial Help Provided: rent assistance, utility assistance, bills past due assistance
Full Description:
Services: rent assistance, utility assistance, bills past due assistance. Must make an appointment.
Catholic Charities offers financial assistance for utility bills in its Evansville, Jasper, Rockport, Washington and Vincennes offices.
EVANSVILLE office clients should call for help at 8:30 a.m. on MONDAY mornings.
JASPER, ROCKPORT, WASHINGTON AND VINCENNES clients should call for help after 8:30 a.m. on THURSDAY.
We can help you if
1. We have not helped you in the past twelve months.
2. The bill is in your name -- you must bring proof for the caseworker.
3. Utility bills must be in disconnect status.
4. Rent must be at least 25 days late.
5. You must owe $100 or less.
Do you have more to add or need listing updated? Let us know.