Community Action Hughesville
(301) 274-4474
Financial Help Provided: Energy Assistance. MEAP
Full Description:
Mondays through Fridays 9am to 5pm.Office of Home Energy Program
Walk In's Accepted.
SMTCCAC, Inc. is the local administering agency of Maryland State Office of Home Energy Programs for Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's County.
The Maryland Assistance Program provides grants to assist with home heating bills. Payments are made to fuel suppliers and utility companies on behalf of the customer. MEAP is available to all income eligible Maryland heating customers, both homeowners and renters, including roomer or boarder, regardless of whether you pay your heating costs.
MEAP also offers the Utility Service Protection Program (USPP). This program provides MEAP eligible households access to an even monthly payment program and protection from turnoffs.
The Electric Universal Service Program provides financial assistance with electric bills. EUSP is available to all income eligible Maryland electric customers, both homeowners and renters. Customers who live in subsidized housing where heat is included in the rent may also be eligible for help from EUSP.
Needed to Apply:
Applicant's photo identification
Proof of residence
Copies of Social Security cards for all household members
Proof of total gross income for entire household - last 30 days
Name of home energy supplier and account number
Copy of most recent utility bill
Copy of lease, if renter
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