Courtland County DSS - Department of Social Services
Financial Help Provided: Public Assistance, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Emergency Assistance, HEAP, Daycare
Full Description:
Services Provided:
Temporary Assistance Services: This area of the Agency is responsible for the administration of income maintenance including Public Assistance, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Emergency Assistance, HEAP, Daycare and Employment Services related to assisting individuals in achieving self-sufficiency. Initial and on-going eligibility determinations are a primary function of Temporary Assistance services. Eligibility determinations involve means tested income guidelines, fraud investigations, and require cooperation with employment activities.
Family Services: The services provided in this area of the Agency involve case management services for families and individuals with a goal of arranging for and providing services necessary to promote the health and safety of those with supportive needs. Specific services include: Child and Adult Protective Services, Preventive Services, Foster Care, Adoption Services and Long Term Care Services. The goal of all services is to assist individuals and families in achieving and maintaining a safe, permanently established independent life.
Cortland County Coordinated Children’s Services Initiative (CCSI)
Child Support and Enforcement Services: Services provided in this area of the Agency include locating absent parents, establishing paternity, establishing support orders, enforcing court orders, and collecting and disbursing payments. These services are available to any individual requesting them and are required for some recipients of Temporary Assistance and Foster Care Services.

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