Emergency Assistance For Households with Minor Children
Full Description:
Provides financial assistance, on behalf of families with children under age 21, when an unforeseen event has occurred which may cause the destitution of the child. Destitution means that the child will go without basic needs such as food, shelter, utilities, or basic clothing if the emergency need is unmet. Assistance is not limited to food, shelter, utilities or basic clothing for the child. Additional Info: Eligibility for this program will be determined within 5 days of the application date. Many payments are made via vendor payment, directly to the provider of services. Each application is unique to household\'s situation. All household circumstances and circumstances leading to unforeseen event must be reviewed and evaluated prior to issuance of assistance. Exclusions: taxes, fines, burials, mortgage payments, deposits of any kind, etc.
Eligibility Household must include at least one child under age 21. Household income and liquid resources must have been applied to basic household needs. Emergency assistance must alleviate crisis not just delay it. Eligibility is limited to once in. All other means to alleviate crisis must have been exhausted.
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