Fremont County DHS – Department of Human Services
(719) 275-2318
Financial Help Provided: Public Assistance Program
Full Description:
The Fremont County Department of Human Services administers all assistance payments and related income support program policies in accordance with the rules and regulations contained in the Colorado State Staff Manuals, Vol. III, IV-B and VIII.
EBT - Electronic Benefits Transfer
A Debit Card Benefit Delivery System to replace Public Assistance Checks and Food Stamp Coupons.
Food Assistance Program
Formerly known as Food Stamps. To assist families in the purchase of food to supplement the family's food resource.
TANF - Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
Formerly known as AFDC. TANF is a financial assistance program that helps families with dependent children. Resource/Asset limit is $2,000 per household. Household income limits are based on household size and composition. You can only receive TANF for 60 months during your lifetime. There are work requirements and you must cooperate in seeking child support and having your children immunized.
SSI/CS - Supplemental Security Income/Colorado Supplement
Financial Supplement for eligible person receiving SSI, but not receiving the maximum benefit of SSI.
Baby Care/Kid Care
Baby Care is a medical assistance program that provides Medicaid to pregnant women whose family income is at, or below, 133% of the federal poverty level and for children under six whose family resources/assets are below $1,000.
Kid Care is a medical assistance program provided to children whose birth date is after September 30, 1983 and under 19 years of age, and whose family income is at, or below, 100% of the federal poverty level.
LEAP - Emergency Low Income Energy Assistance Program
Low-income Energy Assistance Program assists needy households during the winter months with high heating costs.
OAP - Old Age Pension
The Old Age Pension Program provides financial assistance to an eligible, needy person who is at least 60 years of age. The grant is minus any income received by the client and/or spouse. Resource/asset limit is $2,000 for the recipient and $3,000 for a married couple.
AND - Aid to the Needy Disabled
Aid to the Needy Disabled provides financial assistance to an eligible, needy person who is disabled. To apply, a person must be over 18 years and under 60 years of age. Grant is minus any income received by the client or spouse. There is no medical assistance available with this grant. Resource/asset limit is $2,000. Applicant must be totally disabled for six months or more.
AB - Aid to the Blind
Aid to the Blind provides financial assistance to an eligible, needy person who is blind. To apply, a person must be over 18 years and under 60 years of age. Grant is minus any income received by the client or spouse. Resource/asset limit is $2,000.
Medical Assistance
Numerous Medicaid programs are available for qualifying persons or families, including non-citizens.
Refugee Cash/Medical Assistance Program
The Refugee Cash/Medical Assistance Program is intended to provide necessary financial, medical and social services to eligible, needy refugees who have entered the United States. Refugees are eligible for an eight month period beginning with the date they entered the United States.
Refugee Medical Assistance
A refugee has the opportunity to apply for medical assistance only. They must meet financial eligibility requirements of the Refugee Cash/Medical Assistance Program.
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