Fresno County General Relief
(559) 600-2650
Financial Help Provided: General Relief Assistance, Cash Assistance
Full Description:
General Relief is a County funded program that provides cash or in-kind services to needy individuals and families who are not eligible for assistance under any other categorical aid program. Grants are intended to cover the costs of food, shelter, personal needs and other living expenses.
Who Is Eligible? Group of people
General Relief recipients must be at least 18 years of age unless they are:
A court approved emancipated minor
A legally married, childless minor couple
A childless, one time legally married but separated or divorced minor
To qualify, applicants must be unemployed, incapacitated, or pending receipt of SSI.
Work Requirements
All employable General Relief applicants and recipients must be available for, and actively seeking, full time employment. Strikers and daytime students are not eligible for General Relief.
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