Hayward Job Center
Website: http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/w2/default.htm
(715) 558-4644
Financial Help Provided: Foodshare, W-2 Program, Medical Assistance, LIHEAP, Child Care Assistance
Full Description: This is a State of Wisconsin Income Maintenance Agency. You can apply for FoodShare, BadgerCare Plus, Medicaid or Caretaker Supplement benefits online, by phone, by mail or in person with this local agency.
Wisconsin Programs:
The Wisconsin Works (W-2) program is available to parents of minor children whose family income is below 115% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Each W-2 eligible participant meets with a Financial and Employment Planner (FEP), who helps the individual develop an employability plan.
W-2 PROGRAM: If you do not have enough money to pay your bills and you need help finding and keeping a job or help applying for SSI, you may be eligible for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program. You may also be eligible for monthly cash payments while you work with the W-2 program to look for a job or do other activities that will help you get a job or SSI. W-2 offers:
1. Trial Jobs (TJ): If you need extra help finding a job, you may be eligible for a Trial Job. Under Trial Jobs, an employer pays you directly. The W-2 agency gives the employer money to cover the costs of your training.
2. Community Service Jobs (CSJ): If you need work experience to help you prepare for work, you may get a CSJ. CSJs pay a monthly payments.
3. W-2 Transitions (W-2T): If you are not ready to look for work because you or an immediate family member is disabled, you may be eligible for a W-2 T.
4. Case Management: If you are ready for a job or you have a job and need help staying employed or getting the skills you need to get a job with more hours, pay, or benefits, you may be eligible for case management services. Case management is available for anyone who meets W-2 eligibility. There is no monthly payment for people getting case management services.
This Economic Support unit is responsible for administering all of the Income Maintenance and Wisconsin Works programs. These programs are designed to assist low and middle income families in becoming self-sufficient or in maintaining a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
Income Maintenance
Medical Assistance
Low-income home energy assistance programs
Child Care Assistance
Contact FinancialHelpResources.com
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