Helping Hands of Paulding
Financial Help Provided: financial assistance for rent and utilities.
Full Description:
Provides financial assistance for rent and utilities.
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
We take the last sign-in of the day at 1:30 pm
Documentation Requird: Picture ID/driver license for each adult in the household, proof of residence or lease(dated in last 30 days), social security card for all household members, proof of income, food stamp award letter (if receive food stamps).
In the earlier years of operation, Helping Hands served primarily as an emergency food organization. Due to the generous involvement of churches, individuals, and other groups we are now able to provide help with other necessities on a limited basis.
Food Pantry
Financial Assistance
Prescription Medication Assistance
Prayer, Bibles and Encouragement
Our goal is not only to meet the physical needs of our community, but to assist with spiritual needs as well.
When visiting for the first time, our clients are asked to fill out an application with pertinent data and to provide a photo I.D.
Do you have more to add or need listing updated? Let us know.