Jackson County Dhs Office Moss Point
Website: http://www.mdhs.state.ms.us/
Financial Help Provided: DHS Economic Assistance, TANF, Government Assistance, SNAP Food Stamps, LIHEAP
Full Description:
Office hours:
Mondays through Fridays 8am to 5pm.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Paper applications can be filed at any local MDHS office by mail, fax or in person. If you have difficulty completing the application, someone will assist you at the local office. It is important to look at all application paperwork as adult applicants often have job search criteria to meet before their TANF application is approved.
If approved, TANF cash assistance generally begins on the first day following the month application is date-stamped as received in the county office. The application process can take up to 30 days.
Families must meet both financial and non-financial requirements established in state law. In general, families must include a child under age 18 and be residents of Mississippi. Children under age 7 must comply with TANF immunization requirements, and children ages 6 to 17 must attend school and have satisfactory attendance, and parents or caretakers must participate in school conferences. Children age 18 that are included in the Assistance Unit (AU) because they are in school full-time, must have satisfactory school attendance.
Mississippi provides assistance for 60 months. The maximum allowed by Federal law. States may extend assistance beyond 60 months to up to 20 percent of their caseload provided for hardship.
To apply for TANF you must submit a TANF application (English, Spanish, or Vietnamese) to the county Department of Human Services (DHS) office in the county where you live. The application is available online or you may request an application by phone, in person, by fax, or by mail from the county DHS office.
Upon receipt of your application, a face-to-face interview or telephonic interview will be scheduled to determine your family's eligibility. You will be notified of your appointment date and time and the documents that must be provided for the interview.
When the TANF interview is completed, a worker will conduct an investigation to see whether the family is eligible according to all TANF eligibility factors. A notice will be provided to the parent or caretaker relative within 30 days telling whether the family is approved for TANF benefits, the amount, start date, etc.
SNAP Food Stamps
Provides monthly benefits that help low income households buy the food they need for good health. SNAP is a federal program administered on the local level by the Mississippi Department of Human Services. Nationally, SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net. SNAP is meant to be a supplement to one's income to help ensure nutritional needs are met. Mississippi residents who face food insecurity are urged to apply for the program. Help is available for those struggling to put food on the table.
Applications for SNAP benefits are available online or you may request an application by phone, in person, by fax, or by mail from your county office.
Complete as much of your application as you can. Your name, address, and signature are necessary on the application for it to be accepted on the same day it is turned in, even if there is no interview on that day. Only one adult household member or authorized representative may sign the application for SNAP benefits under penalty of perjury.
When your application has been turned in, the local county office will set up an interview to review your application.
At the time of your interview, bring verification of your income and expenses. If you cannot get all the information together by your interview date, come for the interview because you will have additional time to provide this information. If you need assistance in obtaining this information, please discuss this with your caseworker at the time of the interview. The following are examples of what to bring:
Proof of identity (driver's license, etc.)
Social Security Numbers for all household members.
If employed, proof of income (wage stubs, earning statements, etc.) for the four weeks prior to your interview or last filed tax return if self-employed.
Proof of residency (utility bills, rent/mortgage payments, lot rent, taxes)
This important resource provides financial assistance to eligible households to help pay the cost of home energy bills and other energy related services. Households may qualify for regular LIHEAP assistance and/or the Energy Crisis (emergency) Intervention Program (ECIP) for natural gas, wood, electricity, liquid petroleum propane/butane gas and other energy related services. Who is eligible for LIHEAP?
Individuals must be within 60 percent of the State Median Income at the time of the submission of their application.
How do I apply for LIHEAP?
Individuals who have never received services may apply through the Virtual ROMA website at https://virtualroma.mdhs.ms.gov. This site is available nationwide but services and funds are for residents of Mississippi only.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or an emancipated minor. Individuals without access to a computer may call the Community Action Agency (CAA) or Human Resource Agency (HRA) in their area. Refer to the agency directory for agency contact information and service locations.
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