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Los Angeles County Department of Social Services Lancaster

Website: http://dpss.lacounty.gov/dpss/offices/default.cfm?orgid=1321

Lancaster, CA - 93535
(661) 974-8993

Financial Help Provided: General Relief Assistance, Cash Assistance

Full Description:

Programs offered
    General Relief

Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

General Relief (GR) is a County-funded program that provides financial assistance to indigent adults who are ineligible for federal or State programs. An average GR case consists of one person, living alone, with no income or resources.

The GR caseload includes the following employability status classifications:

    Employables are participants with no medical conditions that would prevent employment. GR employables may receive GR for nine months in a 12-month period, provided they continue to comply with GROW requirements.

    Employable with Accommodations is assigned to individuals who are employable, but need certain accommodations in order to work or have certain limitations/restrictions in the type of work they can perform.

    Unemployables are participants who have one or more medical conditions (temporary or permanent) affecting their ability to work. GR benefits are not time limited for unemployables.

    Unemployable with Accommodations is assigned to individuals who are unemployable, but volunteer to participate in GROW.

    NSA means Need Special Assistance and is the identification of individuals who need special assistance due to a mental disability.

    Administratively Unemployable means there are reasons other than physical or mental incapacity which prevents the individual from finding, accepting or continuing existing employment.

The General Relief Opportunities for Work (GROW) program offers employment and training services to employables and is designed to help GR participants obtain jobs and achieve self-sufficiency. Substance abuse treatment is also available if necessary.

picture of Los Angeles County Department of Social Services Lancaster

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Tips For Prompt And Professional Assistance
1. Make an appointment - Always attempt to make an appointment. Oftentimes this will save you hours waiting in lines. When on the phone make sure you ask for the documentation needed in order to receive assistance.

2. Do not be late for your appointment - This tip should speak for itself.

3. Dress appropriately - If you want to be treated with respect, dress as appropriately as possible. We are not saying wear a suit. Just make sure you and your clothes are clean and non offensive. We have found that clients who dress in this manner have a better chance of receiving aid.

4. Bring all pre determined documentation - Bring all of the documents you were advised to bring from your appointment phone call. Without them, you will not receive aid.

Mission Statement
To help the needy find financial aid and assistance. This nation is going through tough times and providing a helping hand can help make the world a better place.