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Love Chapel Financial Assistance

Columbus, IN - 47201

Financial Help Provided: Rent, Rent Deposits, Utilities, Utility Deposits, and other items needed based on circumstances

Full Description:

Financial Assistance Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 11:30. We also offer limited local bus passes for those seeking employment or have medical appointments.


Covers: Rent, Rent Deposits, Utilities, Utility Deposits, and other items needed based on circumstances

Client must seek assistance from the Trustee and other sources when eligible

Amount may vary depending on the need and the circumstances.

All assistance checks are mailed to the vendor/landlord not given to the client

Assistance is not provided for phone services unless there is a medical need prescribed by a doctor.

Cooperation and Coordination are often sought with other appropriate organizations in relation to the assistance request

Appointments may be made for the convenience of those seeking assistance

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Tips For Prompt And Professional Assistance
1. Make an appointment - Always attempt to make an appointment. Oftentimes this will save you hours waiting in lines. When on the phone make sure you ask for the documentation needed in order to receive assistance.

2. Do not be late for your appointment - This tip should speak for itself.

3. Dress appropriately - If you want to be treated with respect, dress as appropriately as possible. We are not saying wear a suit. Just make sure you and your clothes are clean and non offensive. We have found that clients who dress in this manner have a better chance of receiving aid.

4. Bring all pre determined documentation - Bring all of the documents you were advised to bring from your appointment phone call. Without them, you will not receive aid.

Mission Statement
To help the needy find financial aid and assistance. This nation is going through tough times and providing a helping hand can help make the world a better place.