Mower County Health And Human Services Austin
Financial Help Provided: Minnesota Food Assistance, Government Assistance, SNAP Food Stamps, General Assistance, Medical Assistance, Supplemental Aid
Full Description:
Mower County Health And Human Services Austin is the local county Social Services Department that handles family support social services. These services include a variety of financial resources including:
Emergency General Assistance (EGA) - Emergency General Assistance (EGA) meets the emergency needs of eligible adults or families who are in an emergency and who are residents of the state.
General Assistance (GA) - Provides adults with modest monthly cash grants for basic living needs.
Medical Assistance (MA) - The Medical Assistance (MA) program provides necessary medical services to low-income and disabled people.
Minnesota Food Assistance Program (MFAP) - Minnesota Food Assistance Program (MFAP) uses state funds to replace the benefits lost when federal Food Stamp eligibility ended.
Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) - Program that provides a monthly cash supplement to persons who receive federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
MinnesotaCare - MinnesotaCare is a subsidized health care program for people who do not have access to affordable health insurance.
SNAP - Food Support - The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps people with low income buy food and better meet their nutritional needs. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligibility depends on the household's level of income. Most households must have income at or below 165 percent of the federal poverty guideline. There is no gross income test for elderly or disabled households. Monthly benefit levels are based on income and the number of people in the household. If everyone in a household qualifies for General Assistance (GA) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), they would also qualify for SNAP. Households exiting the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) may still qualify for continued food assistance from the SNAP program.
Apply at for these benefits at this county social service office.

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