Home > Kansas > Phillipsburg

Phillipsburg Dcf Service Center Phillipsburg

Website: http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/Pages/default.aspx

Phillipsburg, KS - 67661
(785) 543-5258

Financial Help Provided: Food Stamp Office, TANF Office, Food Assistance Office, General Cash Assistance Office, General Assistance Office

Full Description: This is a Local Office providing:
1. General Assistance:
The General Assistance (GA) program provides access to medical benefits for persons who are disabled. The program serves those who do not qualify for other state or federal programs. It is a short-term program, persons may only receive GA for 12 or 24 months depending upon their level of eligibility. The person must apply for Social Security disability benefits to be eligible. In some cases, a person may work with Vocational Rehabilitation to become employed. You must have low income and few resources to be eligible for the GA program. Some resources are exempt, including:

2. Food Assistance - SNAP Office. Local Food Stamp Office

3. Energy Assistance (LIEAP)
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible households pay a portion of their home energy costs by providing a one-time per year benefit.

If you have little or no income and need help quickly, tell your this local DCF Service Center. You may be able to get assistance in seven days. Otherwise, your application will be processed within 30 days.

If you are eligible for food assistance, you may also be eligible for cash, child care or medical assistance, which can help pay for doctor bills and medication. You may also get help to pay for your Medicare premiums and co-payments. Check with this local DCF Service Center for more information.

If you would prefer to file online. Here is the link and further information:
Online application for:
Food Assistance
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - TANF
Child Care Assistance
Child Support Services
Medical Assistance


The online application also provides self assessment on whether or not you qualify for Rehabilitation Services:
Rehabilitation Services offers a variety of programs to meet the diverse needs of Kansans with disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are the cornerstone of our efforts to empower Kansans with disabilities to become gainfully employed and self-sufficient.
Services for people who are blind or visually impaired - Programs include independent living services for persons who are age 55 or older, and the Business Enterprise Program (BEP).
Centers for Independent Living (CILs) - Services include advocacy, independent living skills training, peer support, information/referral, and deinstitutionalization support.
Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (KCDHH) - Services include information/referral, quality assurance screening for sign language interpreters, advocacy.
Disability Determination Services (DDS) - This program determines disability status for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims filed in Kansas.

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Tips For Prompt And Professional Assistance
1. Make an appointment - Always attempt to make an appointment. Oftentimes this will save you hours waiting in lines. When on the phone make sure you ask for the documentation needed in order to receive assistance.

2. Do not be late for your appointment - This tip should speak for itself.

3. Dress appropriately - If you want to be treated with respect, dress as appropriately as possible. We are not saying wear a suit. Just make sure you and your clothes are clean and non offensive. We have found that clients who dress in this manner have a better chance of receiving aid.

4. Bring all pre determined documentation - Bring all of the documents you were advised to bring from your appointment phone call. Without them, you will not receive aid.

Mission Statement
To help the needy find financial aid and assistance. This nation is going through tough times and providing a helping hand can help make the world a better place.